How to Fix Zero Bounce Rate of all Sessions on Google Analytics when using Events

If you are experiencing a zero bounce rate across all of your sessions in Google Analytics and you are using Events then check the following.

The problem

Google Analytics considers a session to be a bounce when only a single page is viewed and there is no user interaction.

If you are sending events to Google Analytics after the page has loaded this is considered an interaction, and therefore the session will never be a bounce.  If you never have bounced sessions the bounce rate will always be zero.

The solution

Here is an example command sending an event to Google Analytics.  This is considered interaction with the session, and therefore will never be a bounce,

ga('send', 'event', 'Category', 'Action', 'Label');

Below is an example with the nonInteraction property set to true.  Google Analytics will record the event but will not consider this user interaction.  If the user only views a single page in the session then this will count as a bounce.

ga('send', 'event', 'Category', 'Action', 'Label', {

  nonInteraction: true

Here’s a great resource which helped me find this solution.

Dropbox stuck at 100% CPU on Mac, nothing seems to work

If you find your Dropbox is stuck at 100% CPU and constantly ‘Downloading file list’ on your Mac, and you’ve tried all of the unlink/re-link suggestions, be sure to check you don’t have a symbolic link in your Dropbox folders.

I did (from a downloaded website backup), and my Dropbox was stuck synching for weeks.

Run the following from Terminal to search for symbolic links, then delete them (or zip up the folder in my case, then delete the files).

cd ~/Dropbox
find . -type l

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